Saturday, October 24, 2009

creative commons

The image I chose may be shared under the condition of attribution; it may not be used for commercial purposes and may not be altered, transformed or built upon.
The condition of the license for this Web programme are the same with the added permission to adapt the work.

open id

Yes, I would use my Google account for other sites, but not sensitive ones such as online banking. It makes sense to try and simplify login details, but it does mean that your open id provider has access to all the sites you visit, which could be misused by marketers. It's all a bit confusing...

online privacy and security

This information is useful to pass on to patrons concerned about their own and their children's safety on the internet. I must admit to being lazy and apathetic about regularly changing my own logins and passwords. The McAfee site has very good advice about online security for families which is handy to know about. It's all common sense but how often do we read the website private policies and statements before submitting personal information? I know I feel uneasy about Facebook where the kids share both useful and trivial information with their friends. Having read about the dangers of Facebook quizzes, I'm even more put off - your personal information is not as private as you think.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

new adventure

It's going to be interesting learning more about this Web 2.0. I hope we're not too pushed for time to complete the exercises this time round.